Dogs and Pacemakers
This post is intended for all pet owners and dog lovers, whether you own a dog or not.
If you personally, or if you have a close friend or loved one that has a pacemaker implanted in their body, that pacemaker cannot be donated to another human being, but it CAN be donated and used in dogs with cardiac issues who would depend on it to stay alive.
Pacemakers in humans generally have a life expectancy of ten years and often need to be replaced in humans during their lifetime.
You can make arrangements through your family, a close friend, or through your will to have a
pacemaker removed from your body, either after death, or at any time it is being replaced. It can then be donated to a veterinary clinic for use in any dog that may be in need of this life saving device.
There is also a nationwide non-profit organization called “CanPacers” which is a medical device
repository sponsored by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. This organization
oversees the distribution of human pacemakers to Veterinary Cardiology Programs.
As a pet owner, we know how very much our pets mean to us and making this donation can help
save the life of a dog with cardiac issues, which many people would not be able to afford. The cost of surgery in a dog is expensive, but having a donated pacemaker can reduce that cost dramatically and may make the difference to a family who needs to have surgery on their pet.
So if you love your pet and in general love all dogs, make a decision to donate your pacemaker or
make your wishes known to your family and let the Beat Go On.