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Top 8 Reasons Why People Fail at Obedience Training

Every dog owner wants a dog that behaves both at home and away from home. That goal can be accomplished by joining an obedience class and working with a professional trainer. Once classes have started, the real work begins and not everyone is prepared or equipped to do what it takes to have that well behaved dog.

Below is a list of some of the reasons why people fail obedience training:

They discover how much work it really is to train their dog.

Dog training takes time and patience and if you want a well behaved dog you may need to make adjustments in your routine to find time to spend with your dog. Dogs need rules and boundaries and it is up to you to reinforce them. Remember, a dog is only as good as his handler and you need to make a commitment to reach your goals.

They are embarrassed by their dog’s behaviour in class.

Every dog is different so focus on your dog and don’t be influenced by other dogs in your class. Your dog will behave differently in class than he does at home because he is in a different environment and there are more distractions. Dogs have good days and bad days just like we do so be consistent and follow your trainer’s instructions.

They have no patience.

Take your time and don’t be in a hurry. Practise one command at a time and make sure your dog can successfully perform that command before you move on to the next. If you try to teach your dog too many commands at once, he will fail and that won’t help you or your dog.

They are frustrated with their dog.

Dog training can be frustrating at times so it’s important to remain as calm as possible when you find yourself in a difficult situation with your dog. Then follow through with the commands and routines you have learned from your instructor. After all, isn’t that way you started obedience training in the first place? To learn how to deal with your dog when he becomes agitated or excited during a walk or at home.

They do not do their homework.

If you don’t practise, your dog will not succeed. It’s very important that you take the time to practise every day with your dog and review the commands you have learned in your obedience class. You and your dog are a team and you are the leader of your team and you decide when and where to practise. Once again, a dog is only as good as his handler.

They are not consistent.

Consistency is very important in dog training. If there are other members of your family who are involved with your dog, they should attend obedience classes as well. If they cannot attend classes, you should show them what your have learned so that your dog is not confused by getting different commands from other people in your family.

They do not follow the trainer’s instructions.

Take your time and look for an experienced trainer whose method and philosophy you are comfortable with since not all dog trainers are created equal. Find out if you can observe a class before you register so you can see exactly what happens in a typical class. If you like what you see, trust your trainer to help you achieve your goals. Follow their instructions since they should have experience with many different breeds and behaviours.

They finished their obedience classes but have not continued practising with their dog.

Once you finish your obedience classes, it is very important to continue practising with your dog to maintain and improve your dog’s behaviour. If you or your family fail to do this, your dog will revert back to his old habits and may develop some new ones to challenge you even more.

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