Are You Considering Getting a Dog?
There are a ton of questions you need to ask yourself when making a commitment on getting a dog. Some of the most common questions are:
should I use a crate for the dog to sleep in?
what dog is suitable for my family?
should I get a puppy from a breeder or a rescue?
when should I start obedience training?
what food should I feed my dog?
what are some of the costs involved with owning a dog?
Wendy Maeots from Integrated K9 will be at PetValu at 920 Upper Wentworth St. Hamilton on Wednesday, April 1st at 7pm to answer all of these questions and more to help you and your family choose the right pet.
Seating is limited, so please book your seat now for this free event by calling PetValu at 905-318-1556, visit the store or call Wendy direct at 905-977-2362.